Sunday 19 January 2014

Good night Princess

We decided to euthanize Margarita today (quite likely we will only post this after she has been put to sleep and neither will be in a particularly good mood to write). In the last 2 months she progressively deteriorated to a point where she was not even too fussed by food and I had to feed her breakfast, lunch and dinner with my hand or she would not touch her plate (not to mention trick her to eat by putting olive oil on her food, or adding tomato sauce to her pellets etc). She also had lumps everywhere, at least a dozen: under her eyes, on her face, head, neck, back etc… and also inside her… lumps that we could feel and no doubt others that we could neither see nor feel.

Patience is not exactly one of my virtues… We cannot see the point of letting Margarita go through weeks on end of pain till a cancer eats her insides up and until she cannot go on anymore. So after talking to the vet and her recommending chemo and all sorts of other treatments, we decided to put an end to this. She is an old lady and she is very sick, this is the way life is.
The good news: this has happened relatively quickly, more or less in 12 weeks. One day she was fine and then fairly quickly she was not. We are going to miss her a lot. She is not a particularly smart or pretty dog and we don’t care because she is our friend. She did not enjoy attention by people too much (and who can blame her after her life!?) but she and I had a special understanding and we bonded. She is one of the best natured beings we have ever come across. And this is a post to celebrate her last year of life. A year in which, in her old age she probably did a few things for the first time:
  • Having an eggy borther (who ended up liking her a lot!)

  •  Eating chirimoyas
  • Eating water melon
  • Camping and sleeping all together in the tent

  • Playing in the snow (she did not like that one too much! But I did! :op)

  • Going for walks in the woods (rain or shine! Sometimes taking a lift if she couldn’t make it)

  • Chasing seagulls on the beach (and protecting the rubbish collection activities like a good eco-dog)

  • Playing in the water

  • Finding a family who she felt comfortable with (and demanding attention on her terms)

Good night princess. We will miss your clumsy puppy walk and those sad looking eyes which could melt anyone.


  1. Lo siento mucho... Estoy seguro de que habrá sido muy dificil tomar la decisión. Cuando Mora empezó a estar peor no fuimos capaces de llevarla al veterinario para que la durmieran y por culpa de eso debió pasar una noche terrible antes de morir. Creo que habéis hecho lo mejor para ella, y me refiero a todo el tiempo que ha disfrutado con vosotros. Un beso

  2. Me conmovió muchísimo al empezar a leer. ¡¡Qué lindos momentos tuvo Margarita con Uds.!! En casa tuvimos un cachorrito que tuvo una enfermedad. Sufríamos mucho cuando lo veíamos. Mi padre decía que era mejor practicarle la eutanasia y así fue. Desde entonces mi mamá dijo que no quería tener más perritos. Queda un huequito de tristeza.

    Sin duda, quedaron maravillosos recuerdos para vosotros con Margarita.
    Un abrazo para los tres!

