Outdoor activities

One of the greatest things about living in Santiago is the proximity to some very spectacular mountain scenery. There are enough beautiful walks and mountain-bikable terrain to keep us busy for another few years (at least!). Websites and similar resources which we use to find routes and draw inspiration from include:


We also thought it might be fun to map some of our routes for future reference. If we have time we will try to add more...

Disclaimer: Some of the routes are digitaised manually and from memory. We do not warrant the accuracy of any of the information displayed, including descriptions, duration, notes on difficulty, etc. If you choose to rely on it you do so at your own risk.

View Walks in a larger map where more routes will be visible

1 comment:

  1. Me interesa juntarme con ustedes...

    Soy amigo de la Chiri Alegre...

    Vegetariano, Tecnico en construcciones de guadua (bamboo), me encanta el tema permacultura, energías renobables, EV cars... dilargacha@gmail.com 62211322
