Wednesday 6 February 2013

How to make falafel in pictures

A simple and delicious recipe: falafel. What it is and where it comes from - see wikipedia.
Una receta simple y deliciosa: falafel. Que son y de donde vienen - vea wikipedia.

1) Soak 1 cup of chickpeas overnight or ideally 24h before. Deje 1 taza de garbanzos en remojo la noche anterior o a ser posible dejelos 24h en remojo.

2) Drain the chickpeas. Deseche el agua del remojo.

3) Chop them in a food processor. Pique o proceselos en el robot de cocina. 

4) Food process 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic and add to the mix. Procese 1 cebolla, 3 dientes de ajo y añada a la mezcla.

5) Food process 1 cup of coriander, 1 cup of parsley and add to the mix. Procese 1 taza de cilantro, 1 taza de pereji1 y anada a la mezcla. 

6) Add spices to taste (we normally go for cumin, paprika and a little salt but curry powder also works for example). Anada especias al gusto (normalmente usamos comino, pimento dulce y un poco de sal, pero con curry tambien queda rico).

7) Add a tea spoon of bicarbonate. Anada una cucharadita de bicarbonato.

8)  Food process everything until it forms a paste (see photo). Pique o procese todo en el robot de cocina hasta tener una masa (como en la foto). 

9) Add a tea spoon (or more if you like) of seasame seeds. Anada una cucharadita de semilla de sésamo (o más, si prefiere).

10) Make patties, burgers or falafel balls. Haga croquetas, albondigas o hamburguesas con la mezcla.

11) Shallow-fry them. Fria con un pocito de aceite.

12) Make something as a side (chips/fries and salad is our favourite). Haga algun acompanamiento (patatas fritas y ensalada son nuestros favoritos).

13) Enjoy the meal and have a standing ovation from your guests. Desfruta la comida y reciba una ovacion por parte de sus comensales invitados.

PS: Dogs are not supposed to eat onion or garlic. La cebolla y el ajo son toxicos para los perros.


  1. Hello Patricia and Christian,

    I couldn't find an e-mail, so I'm just leaving a message here. Firstly, thanks for your blog.
    I'm Michael, I live in Berlin and study geography at Humboldt-University. Next monday I'm going to Chile due to my bachelor thesis. Can you recommend any vegan restaurants and inexpensive accommodations in Santiago? Maybe we can share a meal. :) It would be very nice to hear from you.

    Best wishes,

    1. Hallo Micha,

      Why dont you contact us via couch surfing?

      Not sure how long you are staying but you may be able to couchsurf with us for a couple of days if you are happy with our house rules?

      veggie places you can find on try the food section (and there is also a map tab with the location of the places). There are some missing like Vegan Bunker, Punto NAtivo, El huerto or Quinoa which are all pretty good and will be added in due time!

      looking forward to hearing from you! if you have problems, leave another comment and I will think of a way of sending my email address!
