Saturday 21 January 2012

Making Vegetable milks in pictures

A few weeks ago we finally decided to go back to basics and start making our own milk from scratch. Reasons for doing this:
  1. it is healthier
  2. you know what you are eating
  3. you decide what ingredients you put and adjust taste accordingly
Supringsinly, it is REALLY easy and quick to do! So here is how:


  • Choose seed or grain of choice (quinoa, sunflower seeds - no need to peel these, almonds, hazelnuts, oats etc...).
  • Soak the seeds for 8h (overnight works nicely or in the morning for when you come back from work). We chose almonds because it has become our favourite type of milk and they are widely available.

For about a litre and a bit you should probably use about 1/2 cup of unsoaked seeds/nuts but this is quite flexible as more seeds means more creamy and stronger taste milk and less seeds means more watery so suit your taste preferences.

Bear in mind the seeds will increase in size (see below).

You should discard the water you used to soak them (aparently this is to do with the fact that you are actually trying to get rid of toxins which many seeds have so birds/humans/hungry dogs don't eat them)

  • Discard water from soaking the seeds (we said in step 1 but will repeat ;o))
  • Add 3 cups of water to a smoothie maker, mill, food processor (whatever you think might work, the idea is to break the seeds in as small chucks as possible, ideally a puree!)

  • Mill/puree.
  • Then filter to separate the solids from the liquid.

We have a funky milk making machine but you can just filter it with a cheese cloth. Again, depends a bit on taste preferences (more filtering means less creamy etc!)

  • Use the solids wisely. We put the almond flour that is left over to sprinkle on our muesli... you can also put it in cookies or cakes!

  • Let the fun begin... you could drink the milk after step 3... or you could add some canola oil (rich in omega 3) and some nice fruit such as a banana, or perhaps some strawberries and blueberries... or something sweet like dates? agave syrup? no doubt you can get creative!! ;o)

  • Mix well! 

  • Enjoy hot... or cold! (and maybe even with some chocolate!)


  1. This is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing this... I never thought home-made vegetable milks were so easy to make.

    1. Neither did we! :o) Glad you could make some use of it!
