Monday, 30 April 2012

La Vega - a real Santiago experience

Autumn has now definitely made it to Santiago. Friday we had lots of rain. After spending many years in the Rainy Kingdom we didn't believe we would feel this way but here rain is actually great! We don't have to water the garden and after a good downpour the Santiago smog is usually gone for a few hours (during the week) or days (weekend / holiday season). So Saturday and Sunday we have enjoyed clean fresh air (certainly for Santiago standards) and lovely blue skies!

Monday, 23 April 2012

Third time lucky

Before we moved here we had heard about how Chile is the least corrupt country in South America. Whenever one comes across such statements, Chile's endemic bureaucracy is usually mentioned in the same breath, though. Bureaucracy vs corruption... when one is at the receiving end of it the differences sometimes are hard to make out.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Yerba Loca

A few weeks ago we went on a beautiful walk in a nature sanctuary called Yerba Loca not far from Santiago. Back then we decided to come back for more over the long Easter weekend, and so we did. This time equipped for a couple of nights of wild camping.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Work life, gender parity and Verrücktes Graß (or Hierba Loca)

Working life I dare say is different in every city. In Santiago there are a few things that I have started to notice. My office environment is really good, there is a strong team spirit, I am allowed to work from home a couple of days a week (not that I would say this is common at all in Santiago!) and I have a fair degree of freedom on what to wear (again, I would say this is not the norm in Chile).