Monday, 23 January 2012

Freegan dogs eat fruit and veg, they also take the bus

A bit of a light hearted post...

We are very impressed by how quickly Mario has learnt that all sorts of veg can be eaten. He has reached the stage where he knows how to eat corn on the cob (without eating the cob, just eating the corn!):

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Making Vegetable milks in pictures

A few weeks ago we finally decided to go back to basics and start making our own milk from scratch. Reasons for doing this:
  1. it is healthier
  2. you know what you are eating
  3. you decide what ingredients you put and adjust taste accordingly
Supringsinly, it is REALLY easy and quick to do! So here is how:

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Our new house mate

A few weeks ago, it must have been in early December, we noticed that we had a new house mate. No, it wasn't another street dog which followed us home or anything like that. He or she (...we haven't got very intimate, yet) might have even lived there before we moved in, it's hard to tell.